We are a team of highly skilled
and experienced interpreters.
We know how to listen. We know
how to
speak. We deliver your message.
Who we are
What we offer
Who our clients are
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PLHInterpreting is specialised in conference interpreting and related language services. Based in Romania, we work globally, strictly adhering to the professional standards and ethical requirements of this competitive, customer-centered business.

Find out more
Our core business is interpreting, but we also offer an ample range of conference-related services, as well as specialised translations.

Discover our Services
We serve both public institutions and the private sector, and often work at specialized conferences. We’re called in wherever language barriers prevent smooth communication and successful business.

Are you in search of qualified interpreters or do you need help in organizing a conference or business event?

Send us your details

+40 744 823 371
About Peter László-Herbert

I was born in Transylvania into a family of many tongues, trades and traditions, where at times up to four languages were spoken over lunch.

Before becoming a professional conference interpreter I was involved in building up civil society entities in post-communist Romania, co-directing an ambulance service and working as a medical doctor. Throughout my entire life I’ve been a broker of words, concepts and cultures. Wherever my way is going to take me from here, I will continue doing the same.

As a free-lance conference interpreter, I am member of AIIC, VKD/BDÜ and accredited to work with the EU institutions since 2005. During the past five years I counted over 400 working days.

The PLH team

Together with like-minded fellow interpreters and translators I have formed a network that consists of committed professionals with extensive working experience, many of them specialised in various fields of expertise such as medicine, the automotive industry, arts, machinery, legal and financial subjects.

Client satisfaction, measurable impact, and an appropriate working environment greatly matter to us.

We’re serious about our business, but we also enjoy it whole-heartedly.
Peter Laszlo-Herbert

Peter László-Herbert



PLH Interpreters Services
About the PLH team
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About Peter
More information

Conference interpreting
Simultaneous interpreting is the technique of choice in meetings with international attendance involving a large public and several working languages. Its unsurpassed advantage is that speeches are conveyed in "real-time".

Consecutive interpreting is ideally used in events involving a limited number of speakers, and only one pair of languages. While it does not require sophisticated equipment, consecutive interpretation adds to the time affected for each contribution.

In Whispering mode interpreters assist one or two attendants in a foreign (language) environment. It works quite like simultaneous mode, but needs no sophisticated equipment.

Make use of Liaison interpreting when you and your small delegation attend a fair, exhibition, guided tour etc. requiring interpretation. Conversations are interpreted phrase by phrase.

Business interpreting ensures swift and confidential communication in face-to-face proceedings with a language barrier. The finest nuances, expressed in the speaker’s mother tongue, are conveyed without loss of meaning.

Community interpreting is growing fast due to increasing mobility around the world. Whether in a hospital, or enquiring about child welfare in a foreign country, employing the linguistic and cross-cultural skills of an interpreter may significantly improve the outcome of your situation.
Interpreter teams / conference equipment
We put up teams of interpreters with working languages and special expertise to fit your event, and advise you as per appropriate conference equipment, choice of venue, as well as the acquisition of any specialized services you might need.

When you hire us as interpreters, we can also prepare all written translations related to your event, which provides for terminological consistency throughout your project.

That makes us a one-stop shop - and allows you to concentrate on the message you want to share.
Selected customers

Was Sie geleistet haben war das Beste, was ich in Rumänien gesehen bzw. gehört habe.

- Stefanie Moser, Driector Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Romania & Moldova
You were excellent! We were really impressed with your work.

- Trius Therapeutics, USA
Peter is among the best German to Romanian interpreters you can get in Transylvania.

- Deutsches Kulturzentrum Klausenburg, Romania
Public institutions

European Commission
European Parliament
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Friedrich Naumann Stiftung
Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
Deutsches Kulturzentrum / Centrul Cultural German
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Ministerul Administraţiei și Internelor
Stadt Köln
Universitatea de Medicină şi Farmacie "Iuliu Haţieganu" Cluj-Napoca
Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
Private sector
AHK Rumänien
Deutscher Caritasverband
Colorcon Ltd.
Forever Living Producs
Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherungen
Kärcher AG
Serviciul de Ajutor Maltez în România
Mercedes Benz
Trius Therapeutics
Vifor Pharma
W&ooml;rwag Pharma
Zabola Estate / Transylvania
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Aleea Slănic nr. 3/15
400413 Cluj-Napoca

TEL +40 744 823371

